Our Work

Good for Girls partners with other non-profit organizations and grassroots community groups that work to empower girls, particularly those from poor and marginalized backgrounds, and those who have suffered violence or live in insecure or threatening situations.

We help facilitate, grow or move forward initiatives, including through offering small, high-impact grants, as well as working directly with partners to develop joint projects. We focus on projects that are needs-based and partner-led to ensure that efforts respond effectively on the ground. We are especially keen on supporting partners that use creative and innovative ways to achieve sustainable results.

Holistic Support

Our holistic approach means that support will not only target initiatives that promote girls’ attendance or access to school, but also go towards ensuring that girls gain the capacity to actually benefit from education.

For instance, even if a girl is in school, poverty or insecurity could force her to miss class, or prevent her from being able to concentrate on her studies. A girl’s ability to learn effectively can be significantly affected by hunger, exhaustion from having to work after school, or by fear of violence in school or on the way to and from school.

Good for Girls support may be channeled towards projects that: help create safe spaces for girls to learn, interact and get peer support; provide for regular meals and related school expenses (fees, uniforms, transportation, supplies etc); impart important health-related information (including on reproductive health); help build resilience, leadership ability and self-esteem through peer-based activities (such as sports and youth groups), among others.

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